0. Sample Disclaimer
- This set of analyses is based on responses collected from 961 caregivers between the dates of April 14th 2021 and April 16th 2021 These caregivers represent a range of voices: 9.58% are non-Latinx Black/African American, 14.79% are Latinx, and 22.08% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.
2. Amount of Debt Families Currently Have
- Note: analyses done in the subset of 303 caregivers who reported currently having debt. Statistics were based on non-zero amount of debt reported by caregivers
- Note: Outliers are not presented for the clarify of the figures
2.1 Debt/Income Ratio
- Presented as the ratio of current debt/monthly income (= 2020 yearly income / 12)
2.1.1 Overall

2.1.2 By race/ethnicity

2.1.3 By poverty level (200% and 400% FPL)

2.2 $ Amount of debt in total and by categories
3. Debt compared to pre-COVID
- Survey question: How does the amount of debt you have now compare to the amount of debt you had in February 2020 (before the pandemic)?
- Much lower
- Slightly lower
- About the same
- Slightly higher
- Much higher
- Note: analyses only done among 303 families who reported having debt
3.1 Overall

3.2 By race/ethnicity

3.3 By poverty level (200% & 400% FPL)

4. How families reduce debt
- Survey question: Have you used any of the following to reduce your debt in the last month? (select all that apply)
- Tax refund
- Stimulus payment
- Housing assistance
- Utility assistance
- Employment income
- Loans from family or friends
- Other
- NA
- Note: analyses only done among 303 families who reported having debt
4.1 Overall

4.2 By race/ethnicity

4.3 By poverty level (200% & 400%FPL)