0. Sample Disclaimer
- This set of analyses on stimulus spending is based on responses collected from 3,161 FEMALE caregivers between the dates of November 17th, 2020 and March 20th, 2021. These caregivers represent a range of voices: 6.45% are Black/African American, 13.54% are Latinx, and 25.10% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.
1. Working Status
1.1 What have happend to women in workforce
- Survey Question: Since the COVID-19 crisis, which of the following have you done? Select all that apply. (only week 47 & 49)
- I reduced my work hours
- I switched to less demanding job
- I took a leave or absence
- I moved from a full-time role into a part-time role
- I left the workforce altogether
- Note that this figure includes both forced & voluntary choices
1.2 Grouping & Separate by forced vs. voluntary
- Survey question about current work status: What is your current employment status - working full time/unemployed or laid off/temporarily out of work or furloughed/other
- Unemployed or laid off/Temporarily out of work or furloughed were coded as “forced”, and the other two categories were coded as “Not forced”
1.2.1 Overall
1.2.2 By race/ethnicity
1.2.3 By poverty level
1.2.4 By race/ethnicity & poverty level
1.2.5 By single parent status
1.2.6 By essential worker status
1.3 Whether women were able to afford leaving workforce/reducing hours
1.3.1 Overall reported percentage
1.3.2 Grouping by work status
1.3.3 Association with material hardship
1.4 Association with Parent & Child Mental Health
1.4.1 Ovearll
1.4.2 By whether they can afford to leave workforce
1.4.3 By race/ethnicity
1.4.4 By poverty level
1.4.5 By single parent status
1.4.6 By essential worker status
2. Biggest Workforce Challenges
- Survey question: Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, what have been the biggest challenges for you as an employee? Select all that apply.
- Anxiety over layoffs or furloughs
- Burnout
- Mental health
- Childcare and/or homeschooling responsibilities
- Physical and mental heath of loved ones
- Financial insecurity
2.1 Ovearll
2.2 By work status
2.3 By race/ethnicity
2.4 By poverty level
2.5 By race/ethnicity & poverty level
2.6 By single parent status
2.7 By Essential Worker Status
3. Who is responsible for household labor in dual-parent families (n = 2,893)
- Survey question: Who is responsible for household labor?
- My partner is responsible for all of the work
- my partner is responsible fro most of the work
- I share responsibilities equally with my partner
- I am responsible for most of the work
- I am responsible for all the work
3.1 Overall
3.2 By race/ethnicity
3.3 By poverty level
3.4 By race/ethnicity & poverty level
3.5 By essential worker status
4. COVID-19 Precautions & Feel Protected (Essential Workers)
4.1 Workforce Precautions & Practices COVID-19
- Survey question: Which of the following precautions does your workplace currently adhere to? Select all that apply.
- Encourage sick employees to stay home (for COVID or any illness)
- Conducting daily in-person health checks
- Conducting virtual health checks
- Employees encouraged to wear a cloth facemask and/or other appropriate PPE
- Employees encouraged to social distance
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, does your workplace adhere to the following practices? Select all that apply.
- Pre-screening employee’s temperature and symptoms prior to them starting work
- Requiring employees to self-monitor fever or symptoms regularly
- Require all employees to wear face masks
- Require all other people entering the infrastructure (e.g. clients, customers, patients) to wear face masks
- Require social distancing and provide social distancing guidelines (e.g., markers on the floor)
- Disinfect and clean work spaces
4.2 Feel protected
- Survey question: Overall, do you feel protected and safe in your workplace?
- Not protected at all
- Somewhat protected
- Very well protected
5. Compare men vs. women in workforce
- This set of analyses on stimulus spending is based on responses collected from 3,161 FEMALE caregivers and 111 MALE caregivers between the dates of November 17th, 2020 and March 20th, 2021.
5.1 Compare working status
5.2 Compare well-being
5.3 Compare well-being by gender and work status