Since the beginning of the survey, 1,199 Single caregivers have participated in RAPID.
These analyses are based on responses collected from 8867 caregivers between the dates of April 06, 2020 and December 03, 2020. These caregivers represent a range of voices: 8.70% are Black/African American, 16.61% are LatinX, and 29.25% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.
Income is presented in thousands of dollars per year. | statistic | p.value |
< 20k | 550.27 | < .001 |
20k-40k | 57.65 | < .001 |
40k-60k | 5.68 | .017 |
60k-80k | 38.28 | < .001 |
80k-100k | 48.25 | < .001 |
100k-150k | 101.42 | < .001 |
150k-200k | 39.00 | < .001 |
200k+ | 18.90 | < .001 |
poverty_cat | statistic | p.value |
Above 1.5 x FPL | 480.89 | < .001 |
Below 1.5 x FPL | 480.89 | < .001 |
employment_change | statistic | p.value |
Became Employed | 0.02 | > .999 |
Became Unemployed | 8.55 | .014 |
Stable Employed | 0.08 | > .999 |
Stable Other | 20.93 | < .001 |
Stable Unemployed | 4.14 | .126 |
latinx_cat | statistic | p.value |
non-Latinx | 0.25 | > .999 |
Latinx | 0.25 | > .999 |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
-5.68 | 42.6 | 48.28 | -6.99 | < .001 | 1542.45 | -7.28 | -4.09 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
effect | group | term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
fixed | (Intercept) | 42.48 | 0.30 | 139.44 | < .001 | |
fixed | SP1 | 0.86 | 0.02 | 45.47 | < .001 | |
fixed | group_fSingle | 7.00 | 0.83 | 8.39 | < .001 | |
fixed | SP2 | -0.07 | 0.02 | -3.40 | .001 | |
fixed | SP1:group_fSingle | 0.07 | 0.06 | 1.25 | .212 | |
fixed | group_fSingle:SP2 | -0.06 | 0.07 | -0.97 | .334 | |
ran_pars | CaregiverID | sd__(Intercept) | 17.92 | |||
ran_pars | Residual | sd__Observation | 13.94 |
Variable | Within group | Difference between group and sample |
material_hardship | < .001 | .214 |
work_status | .001 | < .001 |
age | .177 | .102 |
race_ethnic | < .001 | .276 | | .441 | .955 |
poverty_cat | .063 | < .001 |
## [[1]]
## [[1]]$material_hardship
## [[2]]
## [[2]]$work_status
## [[3]]
## [[3]]$race_ethnic
## [[1]]
## [[2]]
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
-3.02 | 40.02 | 43.04 | -2.98 | .003 | 1559.47 | -5.01 | -1.03 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
-6.47 | 28.81 | 35.28 | -6.88 | < .001 | 1543.33 | -8.31 | -4.62 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
-4.96 | 54.44 | 59.41 | -4.81 | < .001 | 1575.37 | -6.99 | -2.94 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
-8.17 | 47.34 | 55.51 | -9.01 | < .001 | 1533.25 | -9.95 | -6.39 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
## [1] "### Text-based (average)"
## [1] "### Text-based (Over time)"
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
-5.18 | 38.46 | 43.64 | -5.47 | < .001 | 1526.62 | -7.04 | -3.33 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
-4.1 | 51.03 | 55.13 | -3.76 | < .001 | 1552.66 | -6.24 | -1.96 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
-6.28 | 25.84 | 32.12 | -5.68 | < .001 | 1512.01 | -8.45 | -4.11 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
1.11 | 11.65 | 10.54 | 1.71 | .087 | 1535.62 | -0.16 | 2.39 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
effect | group | term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
fixed | (Intercept) | 15.85 | 0.24 | 65.69 | < .001 | |
fixed | SP1 | 0.86 | 0.02 | 48.68 | < .001 | |
fixed | group_fSingle | 0.85 | 0.69 | 1.23 | .217 | |
fixed | SP2 | -0.08 | 0.02 | -4.04 | < .001 | |
fixed | SP1:group_fSingle | 0.08 | 0.05 | 1.46 | .143 | |
fixed | group_fSingle:SP2 | -0.12 | 0.06 | -2.03 | .042 | |
ran_pars | CaregiverID | sd__(Intercept) | 10.77 | |||
ran_pars | Residual | sd__Observation | 13.54 |
Variable | Within group | Difference between group and sample |
material_hardship | .001 | .214 |
work_status | .009 | < .001 |
age | .443 | .102 |
race_ethnic | < .001 | .276 | | .127 | .955 |
poverty_cat | .001 | < .001 |
## [[1]]
## [[1]]$material_hardship
## [[2]]
## [[2]]$work_status
## [[3]]
## [[3]]$race_ethnic
## [[4]]
## [[4]]$poverty_cat
## [[1]]
## [[2]]
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
2.76 | 10.67 | 7.9 | 3.22 | .001 | 1562.57 | 1.08 | 4.45 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
1.08 | 9.23 | 8.15 | 1.45 | .147 | 1548.16 | -0.38 | 2.55 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
0.85 | 15.52 | 14.67 | 0.88 | .380 | 1555.33 | -1.05 | 2.75 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
0.85 | 15.52 | 14.67 | 0.88 | .380 | 1555.33 | -1.05 | 2.75 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
-1.37 | 9.88 | 11.25 | -1.67 | .095 | 1527.8 | -2.99 | 0.24 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
-0.28 | 12.11 | 12.38 | -0.28 | .781 | 1566.08 | -2.23 | 1.68 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
Values represent the difference between a caregiver’s response for the past week and their “baseline” or retrospective report of this variable pre-pandemic.
estimate | estimate1 | estimate2 | statistic | p.value | parameter | conf.low | conf.high | method | alternative |
-2.38 | 7.62 | 10 | -2.57 | .010 | 1534.41 | -4.19 | -0.57 | Welch Two Sample t-test | two.sided |
category | difference | statistic | p.value | df |
food | -0.2013982 | -9.700662 | < .001 | 759.3672 |
house | -0.2302961 | -11.353759 | < .001 | 815.9825 |
utilities | -0.2494580 | -12.992543 | < .001 | 953.0145 |
healthcare | -0.0838685 | -4.095615 | < .001 | 520.7362 |
social | -0.1566611 | -7.562692 | < .001 | 520.4789 |
emotional | -0.1591413 | -7.602587 | < .001 | 536.0383 |
childcare | -0.2065789 | -9.741286 | < .001 | 574.4844 |
other | -0.0946543 | -5.476688 | < .001 | 430.4201 |
## [1] "## Chain Reaction{.tabset}"
term | estimate | std.error | p.value |
acme_0 | 7.206 | 0.866 | 0 |
acme_1 | 7.206 | 0.866 | 0 |
ade_0 | 6.141 | 1.688 | 0 |
ade_1 | 6.141 | 1.688 | 0 |
## Test of ACME(covariates.1) - ACME(covariates.2) = 0
## data: estimates from Mod.Med_test
## ACME(covariates.1) - ACME(covariates.2) = -0.81736, p-value = 0.4
## alternative hypothesis: true ACME(covariates.1) - ACME(covariates.2) is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -2.5897936 0.9189571
## Test of ADE(covariates.1) - ADE(covariates.2) = 0
## data: estimates from Mod.Med_test
## ADE(covariates.1) - ADE(covariates.2) = -1.8626, p-value = 0.26
## alternative hypothesis: true ADE(covariates.1) - ADE(covariates.2) is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -4.400706 1.422254
Within r params$
The relationship between well-being and concerns for children is NOT significantly different for Single caregivers
The relationship between child well-being and concerns for children is NOT significantly different for Single caregivers
The relationship between well-being and discrimination for children is NOT significantly different for Single caregivers
The relationship between child well-being and discrimination for children is NOT significantly different for Single caregivers