• Well-being during shelter-in-place
    • Compared to general population
    • By poverty level
    • By geographic region
    • By childcare
    • By use of online resources
  • Education
    • Compared to general population
    • By poverty level
    • By geographic region
    • By childcare
    • By use of online resources
  • Loss
  • Testing predictors of well-being in this demo
    • Trends by income

Please note that lines by date and days sheltering in place are smoothed curves – they may be poor representations of the data in locations with few participants. For example, the largest number of days sheltering in place only applies to a small portion of participants; lines representing small demographic groups at these large should not be interpreted.

Well-being during shelter-in-place

By poverty level

Of the 3163 caregivers of children with a disability, 440 report an income below the poverty threshold for their household size and 481 report an income above the threshold.

By childcare

Of these caregivers, 45 have non-family childcare and 3118 do not.

Of these caregivers, 165 have family childcare and 2998 do not.

By use of online resources


By poverty level

Of the 3163 caregivers of children with a disability, 440 report an income below the poverty threshold for their household size and 481 report an income above the threshold.

By geographic region

By childcare

Of these caregivers, 45 have non-family childcare and 3118 do not.

Of these caregivers, 165 have family childcare and 2998 do not.

By use of online resources


##  Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
## data:  week1$disability and week1$income_decreaed
## X-squared = 6.7002, df = 1, p-value = 0.00964
## # A tibble: 3 x 4
##   disability     n decreased_income percent
##        <dbl> <int>            <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1          0  7721             3446   0.446
## 2          1  1075              524   0.487
## 3         NA    71               39   0.549
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
## data:  week1$disability and week1$decrease_nonfamilyCC
## X-squared = 0.0095596, df = 1, p-value = 0.9221
## # A tibble: 3 x 4
##   disability     n decrease_nonfamilyCC percent
##        <dbl> <int>                <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1          0  7721                  780  0.101 
## 2          1  1075                  107  0.0995
## 3         NA    71                    6  0.0845

Testing predictors of well-being in this demo

Outcome Coefficient Estimate Std. Error p-value Corrected p-value
Lost income since pandemic (N = 532)
Caregiver anxiety 3.61 1.16 0.002 0.112
Careviver depression 3.66 1.06 0.001 0.039
Caregver stress 6.75 1.20 0.000 0.000
Child externalzing 6.04 1.30 0.000 0.000
Child internalizing 1.63 1.37 0.236 1.000
Lost employment since pandemic (N = 425)
Caregiver anxiety 5.23 1.50 0.001 0.035
Careviver depression 6.33 1.38 0.000 0.000
Caregver stress 4.37 1.54 0.005 0.257
Child externalzing 0.58 1.68 0.730 1.000
Child internalizing 0.92 1.74 0.596 1.000
Have difficulty paying for basics (N = 330)
Caregiver anxiety 8.84 1.33 0.000 0.000
Careviver depression 8.56 1.22 0.000 0.000
Caregver stress 9.15 1.38 0.000 0.000
Child externalzing 3.86 1.50 0.011 0.496
Child internalizing 7.33 1.58 0.000 0.000
Two or more children in household (N = 806)
Caregiver anxiety 1.71 2.03 0.402 1.000
Careviver depression 1.33 1.98 0.502 1.000
Caregver stress 5.89 1.94 0.003 0.144
Child externalzing 2.82 2.11 0.183 1.000
Child internalizing 2.96 2.31 0.202 1.000
Three or more children in household (N = 452)
Caregiver anxiety 1.46 1.82 0.424 1.000
Careviver depression 2.69 1.77 0.130 1.000
Caregver stress 5.54 1.73 0.002 0.089
Child externalzing 2.44 1.88 0.196 1.000
Child internalizing 4.79 2.06 0.021 0.875
Can access online serivices (N = 195)
Caregiver anxiety 4.23 1.86 0.024 0.945
Careviver depression 5.92 1.70 0.001 0.035
Caregver stress 5.52 1.93 0.005 0.234
Child externalzing 1.46 2.10 0.487 1.000
Child internalizing 5.41 2.20 0.015 0.668
Can access telehealth serivices (N = 188)
Caregiver anxiety 7.18 3.17 0.025 0.945
Careviver depression 6.50 2.87 0.024 0.945
Caregver stress 3.45 3.05 0.259 1.000
Child externalzing 3.44 3.36 0.308 1.000
Child internalizing 0.29 3.60 0.937 1.000
Below the poverty threshold (N = 440)
Caregiver anxiety 2.90 2.15 0.178 1.000
Careviver depression 8.03 2.05 0.000 0.008
Caregver stress 3.76 2.01 0.062 1.000
Child externalzing 5.48 2.30 0.018 0.782
Child internalizing 4.31 2.49 0.085 1.000
Child education interrupted (N = 156)
Caregiver anxiety 4.11 1.78 0.021 0.880
Careviver depression 4.24 1.61 0.009 0.419
Caregver stress 5.63 1.88 0.003 0.159
Child externalzing 5.68 2.04 0.006 0.287
Child internalizing 2.22 2.14 0.300 1.000
Parent education interrupted (N = 38)
Caregiver anxiety 2.66 3.40 0.435 1.000
Careviver depression 7.26 3.09 0.020 0.850
Caregver stress 0.78 3.57 0.827 1.000
Child externalzing -3.30 3.91 0.398 1.000
Child internalizing -2.29 4.11 0.578 1.000
Have delayed healthcare (N = 875)
Caregiver anxiety 5.76 1.08 0.000 0.000
Careviver depression 4.16 0.98 0.000 0.002
Caregver stress 8.86 1.14 0.000 0.000
Child externalzing 3.97 1.24 0.002 0.089
Child internalizing 5.80 1.29 0.000 0.001
African American (N = 92)
Caregiver anxiety 0.93 3.07 0.763 1.000
Careviver depression 3.16 2.97 0.288 1.000
Caregver stress 1.24 2.98 0.679 1.000
Child externalzing -10.60 3.21 0.001 0.065
Child internalizing -9.40 3.50 0.008 0.373
Latinx (N = 194)
Caregiver anxiety 0.27 2.25 0.906 1.000
Careviver depression 3.05 2.18 0.163 1.000
Caregver stress -0.05 2.17 0.983 1.000
Child externalzing -4.14 2.34 0.079 1.000
Child internalizing 3.78 2.57 0.143 1.000
Single (N = 216)
Caregiver anxiety 5.85 2.15 0.007 0.337
Careviver depression 7.92 2.06 0.000 0.010
Caregver stress 7.77 2.09 0.000 0.016
Child externalzing 3.88 2.27 0.088 1.000
Child internalizing 4.73 2.46 0.056 1.000
Essential employees (N = 106)
Caregiver anxiety -0.44 3.74 0.908 1.000
Careviver depression -0.06 3.69 0.987 1.000
Caregver stress -1.52 3.71 0.682 1.000
Child externalzing 0.07 4.10 0.986 1.000
Child internalizing -4.15 4.39 0.345 1.000
Coefficients estimated using a multi-level model in which responses are nested within caregivers. In the case of binary predictors, we report the number (N) of participants who fall into the category listed. p-values are adjusted using a Holm correction