Material hardship is assesssed with the following question: Which needs are hard to pay for? Check all that apply: - Food - Housing - Utilities (electric, water, trash) - Healthcare - Social - Emotional - Childcare - Other
These analyses are based on responses collected from 8867 caregivers between the dates of April 06, 2020 and December 01, 2020. These caregivers represent a range of voices: 8.70% are Black/African American, 16.61% are LatinX, and 29.25% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.
Caregivers grouped into two categories: trouble paying for 1+ basic need, or no trouble paying for any.
For these analyses, data collected in even numbered weeks starting in August were merged with data in the previous week – this was due to a shift to a recruitment strategy that prioritized recruiting underrepresented communities and marginalized caregivers every other week.