0. Sample Disclaimer
- This set of analyses on healthcare is based on responses collected from 4,808 caregivers between the dates of April 6th 2020 and December 23rd 2020. These caregivers represent a range of voices: 6.83% are non-Latinx Black/African American, 14.01% are Latinx, and 28.67% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Only data from follow-up surveys were included in the analyses for “current mental health” situations. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.
## health_rct$race_ethnic n percent valid_percent
## Black 305 0.063343718 0.06338321
## Latinx 667 0.138525441 0.13861180
## White 3840 0.797507788 0.79800499
## <NA> 3 0.000623053 NA
## health_rct$poverty_cat n percent valid_percent
## Above 150%FPL 3280 0.68120457 0.7108799
## Below 150%FPL 1334 0.27705088 0.2891201
## <NA> 201 0.04174455 NA
1. Percentage of Parents Who Delayed Healthcare, Missed Preventive Visits, or Missed Vaccines
- Survey question:
- HEALTH.003.2 At any time in the last month, did you DELAY getting medical care (including physical or mental health visits)? - yes/no/unsure
- HEALTH.003.a-f Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, have you delayed getting medical care (including physical or mental health visits) for any of the following reasons?
- Cost
- Unable to get time away from work
- Inability to find childcare
- Concern over exposure to COVID-19
- Caring for family members
- Other
- HEALTH.004 Have you missed a well baby check up since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began? - Yes/No/NA
- HEALTH.004.a_1-7 What prevented you from going to a well baby check up? Select all that apply
- Cost
- Unable to get time away from work
- Inability to find childcare
- Concern over exposure to COVID-19
- Caring for family members
- Vaccine hesitancy
- Doctor or clinic canceled appointment (introduced week 31)
- Transportation (introduced week 33)
- Other
- HEALTH.004.b how many visits have you missed? (introduced week 33)
- HEALTH.009/010/011/012/013(.b) Did your child(ren) miss a scheduled vaccine at this visit? - yes/no
1.1 Cumulative percentage during the COVID-19 pandemic

1.1.1 By race/ethnicity

1.1.2 By poverty level

1.1.3 By child disability status

1.1.4 By single parent status

1.2 Trend During the Pandemic for the Overall Sample

2. Reasons for Delayed Healthcare & Missed Visits

2.1 By race/ethnicity

2.2 By poverty level

2.3 By child disability status

2.4 By single parent status

3. Which Preventive Visit Missed