0. Sample Disclaimer
- This set of analyses on healthcare access is based on responses collected from 5,336 caregivers between the dates of April 6th 2020 and March 20th 2021. These caregivers represent a range of voices: 7.13% are non-Latinx Black/African American, 12.62% are Latinx, and 27.95% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Only data from follow-up surveys were included in the analyses for “current mental health” situations. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.
1. Percentage of Parents Who Delayed Healthcare, Missed Preventive Visits, or Missed Vaccines
- Survey question:
- HEALTH.003.2 At any time in the last month, did you DELAY getting medical care (including physical or mental health visits)? - yes/no/unsure
- HEALTH.003.a-f Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, have you delayed getting medical care (including physical or mental health visits) for any of the following reasons?
- Cost
- Unable to get time away from work
- Inability to find childcare
- Concern over exposure to COVID-19
- Caring for family members
- Other
- HEALTH.004 Have you missed a well baby check up since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began? - Yes/No/NA
- HEALTH.004.a_1-7 What prevented you from going to a well baby check up? Select all that apply
- Cost
- Unable to get time away from work
- Inability to find childcare
- Concern over exposure to COVID-19
- Caring for family members
- Vaccine hesitancy
- Doctor or clinic canceled appointment (introduced week 31)
- Transportation (introduced week 33)
- Other
- HEALTH.004.b how many visits have you missed? (introduced week 33)
- HEALTH.009/010/011/012/013(.b) Did your child(ren) miss a scheduled vaccine at this visit? - yes/no
1.1 Cumulative percentage during the COVID-19 pandemic
1.1.1 By race/ethnicity
1.1.2 By poverty level
1.1.3 By child disability status
1.1.4 By single parent status
1.2 Trend During the Pandemic for the Overall Sample
2. Reasons for Delayed Healthcare & Missed Visits
2.1 By race/ethnicity
2.2 By poverty level
2.3 By child disability status
2.4 By single parent status
3. Which Preventive Visit Missed