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  • Categorization of states
  • Representativeness disclaimer
  • Well-being
    • Caregiver Well-Being
    • Child Externalizing
    • Child Internalizing
  • Economic Stability
    • Receiving public benefits
    • Which public benefits
    • Receiving federal stimulus check
    • Family Income
    • Family Financial Status
  • Physical Health
    • Well-baby/Well-child Checkup
    • Missed vaccine
  • Basic Needs
    • Free food (currently)
    • Free Lunch (during-COVID)
    • Paying for basics
    • Which needs
    • Material hardship

Categorization of states

Reopening status comes from data posted by the Kaiser Family Foundation, collected on July 07, 2020.

Risk and restriction categorizations come from Wallethub.com. Again, data were collected on July 07, 2020.

For all analyses, we only use responses collected after Memorial Day.

Representativeness disclaimer

These analyses are based on responses collected from 8867 caregivers between the dates of April 06, 2020 and December 03, 2020. These caregivers represent a range of voices: 8.70% are Black/African American, 16.61% are LatinX, and 29.25% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.


Caregiver Well-Being

0204060New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedAverage
Confidence Interval
contrast estimate Lower Upper p.value
New restrictions imposed - Paused 3.16 1.33 5.00 .004
New restrictions imposed - Proceeding with reopening 0.81 -0.68 2.30 .710
New restrictions imposed - Reopened 1.30 -0.95 3.55 .671
Paused - Proceeding with reopening -2.35 -4.02 -0.69 .029
Paused - Reopened -1.86 -4.24 0.51 .414
Proceeding with reopening - Reopened 0.49 -1.63 2.60 .969
0204060Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskAverage
Confidence Interval
contrast estimate Lower Upper p.value
Few restrictions, high risk - Few restrictions, low risk 0.00 -2.00 2.00 > .999
Few restrictions, high risk - Many restrictions, high risk -1.13 -2.84 0.57 .562
Few restrictions, high risk - Many restrictions, low risk 0.09 -1.84 2.02 > .999
Few restrictions, low risk - Many restrictions, high risk -1.13 -2.90 0.63 .590
Few restrictions, low risk - Many restrictions, low risk 0.09 -1.90 2.08 > .999
Many restrictions, high risk - Many restrictions, low risk 1.22 -0.47 2.91 .491
CAID/WY/MNNY/NJTX/FL/AZWeekResponse by weekstates_groups

Child Externalizing

02040New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedAverage
Confidence Interval
contrast estimate Lower Upper p.value
New restrictions imposed - Paused -2.73 -5.24 -0.22 .144
New restrictions imposed - Proceeding with reopening -0.76 -2.79 1.28 .886
New restrictions imposed - Reopened 0.33 -2.75 3.40 .997
Paused - Proceeding with reopening 1.97 -0.30 4.25 .324
Paused - Reopened 3.05 -0.19 6.29 .251
Proceeding with reopening - Reopened 1.08 -1.81 3.97 .883
02040Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskAverage
Confidence Interval
contrast estimate Lower Upper p.value
Few restrictions, high risk - Few restrictions, low risk 0.39 -2.34 3.12 .992
Few restrictions, high risk - Many restrictions, high risk -0.50 -2.84 1.83 .974
Few restrictions, high risk - Many restrictions, low risk -0.55 -3.19 2.09 .977
Few restrictions, low risk - Many restrictions, high risk -0.89 -3.30 1.52 .887
Few restrictions, low risk - Many restrictions, low risk -0.94 -3.65 1.78 .906
Many restrictions, high risk - Many restrictions, low risk -0.04 -2.36 2.27 > .999
CAID/WY/MNNY/NJTX/FL/AZWeekResponse by weekstates_groups

Child Internalizing

0102030New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedAverage
Confidence Interval
contrast estimate Lower Upper p.value
New restrictions imposed - Paused -1.06 -3.55 1.43 .837
New restrictions imposed - Proceeding with reopening -0.80 -2.81 1.22 .866
New restrictions imposed - Reopened 2.67 -0.38 5.72 .315
Paused - Proceeding with reopening 0.27 -1.99 2.52 .996
Paused - Reopened 3.73 0.52 6.95 .104
Proceeding with reopening - Reopened 3.47 0.60 6.33 .082
0102030Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskAverage
Confidence Interval
contrast estimate Lower Upper p.value
Few restrictions, high risk - Few restrictions, low risk -0.30 -3.00 2.41 .996
Few restrictions, high risk - Many restrictions, high risk -1.82 -4.13 0.48 .408
Few restrictions, high risk - Many restrictions, low risk -0.15 -2.76 2.47 > .999
Few restrictions, low risk - Many restrictions, high risk -1.53 -3.92 0.86 .593
Few restrictions, low risk - Many restrictions, low risk 0.15 -2.54 2.84 > .999
Many restrictions, high risk - Many restrictions, low risk 1.68 -0.61 3.97 .478
CAID/WY/MNNY/NJTX/FL/AZWeekResponse by weekstates_groups

Economic Stability

Receiving public benefits

Are you receiving any sort of public or employment benefits? ex. Federal cash assistance programs such as the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Social Security Income (SSI). OR, Federal-in kind benefit programs such as Medicaid, Food Stamps and Housing.


  • Yes (N=2373)
  • No (N=5257)
  • Didn’t Qualify (N=1030)
  • Intend to apply (N=188)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened0204060New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
Didn't QualifyIntend to applyNoYesPercentDidn't QualifyIntend to applyNoYes
public_benefits statistic p.value
Didn’t Qualify 5.76 .124
Intend to apply 7.32 .062
No 0.86 .835
Yes 7.77 .051
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk0204060Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
Didn't QualifyIntend to applyNoYesPercentDidn't QualifyIntend to applyNoYes
public_benefits statistic p.value
Didn’t Qualify 5.06 .168
Intend to apply 2.12 .548
No 8.59 .035
Yes 14.03 .003

Which public benefits

What types of benefits are you receiving? [Select all that apply.]


  • Health/Medical (N=1208)
  • Food (N=1615)
  • Income (not icluding federal stimulus checks) (N=482)
  • Disability (not military) (N=199)
  • Military Pension (N=2)
  • Military Disability (N=)
  • Military Medical Care (N=3)
  • Military (any benefit, including pension, disability, etc) (N=40)
  • Housing Subsidy (N=157)
  • Child Care Subsidy (N=60)
  • Other (N=20)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

05101520Military pensionMilitary disabilityMilitary medicalOtherChildcareMilitaryHousingDisabilityIncomeHealthFood051015200510152005101520
New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedPercentNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
key statistic p.value
Health 7.30 .063
Food 3.12 .374
Income 4.98 .173
Disability 5.22 .156
Military 1.07 .785
Housing 1.96 .580
Childcare 7.42 .060
Other 1.79 .617
05101520Military pensionMilitary disabilityMilitary medicalOtherChildcareMilitaryHousingDisabilityIncomeHealthFood051015200510152005101520
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskPercentFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
key statistic p.value
Health 13.75 .003
Food 5.45 .141
Income 14.60 .002
Disability 5.52 .137
Military 1.76 .623
Housing 3.34 .342
Childcare 3.05 .384
Other 1.63 .653

Receiving federal stimulus check

Have you received a federal stimulus check this year? (Also known as an economic impact payment) (Note: Weeks 3-8 separate this into two questions, one that asks whether participants have received a check (Yes, No, Unsure, Other) and another that asks if they expect to receive one, only presented if they respond “No” to the prior question. These were combined for the present analyses.)


  • Yes, I have received a federal stimulus check (N=2958)
  • No, but I expect to receive a federal stimulus check in the near future (N=211)
  • No, and I DO NOT expect to receive a federal stimulus check (N=347)
  • Unsure if I will receive a federal stimulus check (N=105)
  • Other (N=49)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened0255075New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
No, expectedNo, not expectedOtherUnsureYesPercentNo, expectedNo, not expectedOtherUnsureYes
federal_stim statistic p.value
No, expected 4.48 .214
No, not expected 23.80 < .001
Other 1.59 .451
Unsure 10.62 .014
Yes 34.82 < .001
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk0255075Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
No, expectedNo, not expectedOtherUnsureYesPercentNo, expectedNo, not expectedOtherUnsureYes
federal_stim statistic p.value
No, expected 11.59 .009
No, not expected 6.73 .081
Other 4.82 .185
Unsure 0.31 .958
Yes 5.38 .146

Family Income

Which of the following best describes what has happened to your family income during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? (Note that in weeks 1-6 and 10-12, there were 5 response options, including decreased very much, decreased somewhat, etc). These were collapsed to allow for assessment across all weeks


  • Has decreased (N=3903)
  • Has stayed the same (N=3718)
  • Has increased (N=1200)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened01020304050New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
DecreasedIncreasedStayed the samePercentDecreasedIncreasedStayed the same
income_change statistic p.value
Decreased 14.42 .002
Increased 0.82 .844
Stayed the same 13.62 .003
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk01020304050Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
DecreasedIncreasedStayed the samePercentDecreasedIncreasedStayed the same
income_change statistic p.value
Decreased 9.10 .028
Increased 4.62 .202
Stayed the same 3.68 .299

Family Financial Status

Which of the following best describes your family financially at this time?


  • No problems (N=2544)
  • Minor problems (N=4482)
  • Major problems (N=1360)
  • Extreme problems (N=471)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened02040New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
financial_status statistic p.value
None 8.41 .038
Minor 0.58 .901
Major 4.41 .221
Extreme 2.15 .541
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk02040Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
financial_status statistic p.value
None 12.47 .006
Minor 2.13 .547
Major 9.88 .020
Extreme 11.99 .007

Physical Health

Well-baby/Well-child Checkup

Have you missed a well-baby/well-child checkup since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began?


  • No (N=6261)
  • Yes (N=2600)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

0204060New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened0102030
missed_wellbaby statistic p.value
No 8.43 .038
Yes 8.43 .038
0204060Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk0102030
missed_wellbaby statistic p.value
No 1.77 .622
Yes 1.77 .622

Missed vaccine

[If yes missed well-baby] [asked for up to five children] Did they miss a scheduled vaccine at this visit?


  • No (N=6983)
  • Yes (N=777)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

0255075New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened051015
missed_vaccine statistic p.value
No 7.3 .063
Yes 7.3 .063
0255075Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk051015
missed_vaccine statistic p.value
No 7.85 .049
Yes 7.85 .049

What prevented you from going to a well-baby checkup? [Select all that apply.]


  • Cost (N=)
  • Unable to get time away from work (N=)
  • Inability to find childcare (N=)
  • Concern over exposure to coronavirus (COVID-19) (N=)
  • Caring for family members (N=)
  • Vaccine hesitancy (N=)
  • Other, please describe (N=)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

01020Caring for familyCostTime away from workVaccine hesitancyInability find childcareOtherConcern for covid010200102001020
New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedPercentNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
key statistic p.value
Cost 4.17 .244
Time away from work 1.84 .605
Inability find childcare 6.18 .103
Concern for covid 13.98 .003
Caring for family 2.29 .515
Vaccine hesitancy 0.55 .907
Other 7.03 .071
05101520Caring for familyCostTime away from workVaccine hesitancyInability find childcareOtherConcern for covid051015200510152005101520
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskPercentFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
key statistic p.value
Cost 4.94 .176
Time away from work 1.70 .636
Inability find childcare 4.55 .208
Concern for covid 3.18 .365
Caring for family 0.67 .881
Vaccine hesitancy 0.60 .897
Other 23.11 < .001

Basic Needs

Free food (currently)

Do you currently have access to free food for your household? Examples of free food include food pantries and programs, SNAP etc.


  • Yes (N=2466)
  • No, but I know where/how I can access free food resources (N=1165)
  • No, I am not eligible for free food resources (N=3292)
  • Unsure (N=354)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened02040New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
No, know howNo, not eligibleUnsureYesPercentNo, know howNo, not eligibleUnsureYes
free_food_cat statistic p.value
No, know how 3.05 .383
No, not eligible 6.32 .097
Unsure 1.75 .626
Yes 3.97 .265
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk01020304050Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
No, know howNo, not eligibleUnsureYesPercentNo, know howNo, not eligibleUnsureYes
free_food_cat statistic p.value
No, know how 2.63 .452
No, not eligible 4.33 .228
Unsure 5.68 .128
Yes 5.84 .120

Free Lunch (during-COVID)

Prior to coronavirus (COVID-19), did you get free or reduced lunches for your child(ren)?


  • Yes, my child(ren) received free or reduced lunches (N=1261)
  • No, free or reduced lunches were not available for my children (N=1817)
  • No, my child did not receive free or reduced lunches, but they were available (N=)
  • No, free or reduced lunches were not available for my children (N=1261)
  • No, but I had planned on getting free or reduced lunches for my children soon (N=1276)
  • No, I didn’t know how to access this resource (N=112)
  • Not applicable (N=500)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened01020304050New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
N/ANo, didn't know howNo, not availableNo, plannedYesPercentN/ANo, didn't know howNo, not availableNo, plannedYes
free_lunch_now_cat statistic p.value
N/A 11.40 .010
No, didn’t know how 1.32 .725
No, not available 4.46 .216
No, planned 3.97 .265
Yes 2.45 .485
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk01020304050Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
N/ANo, didn't know howNo, not availableNo, plannedYesPercentN/ANo, didn't know howNo, not availableNo, plannedYes
free_lunch_now_cat statistic p.value
N/A 2.56 .464
No, didn’t know how 3.29 .349
No, not available 18.71 < .001
No, planned 1.57 .666
Yes 20.42 < .001

Paying for basics

In the past month, how hard has it been for you to pay for the very basics like food, housing, medical care, and heating?


  • Very hard (N=693)
  • Hard (N=952)
  • Somewhat hard (N=)
  • Not very hard (N=4915)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened0204060New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
Not very hardSomewhat hardHardVery hardPercentNot very hardSomewhat hardHardVery hard
difficulty_basics_cat statistic p.value
Not very hard 10.73 .013
Somewhat hard 5.49 .139
Hard 2.78 .426
Very hard 5.15 .161
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk0204060Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
Not very hardSomewhat hardHardVery hardPercentNot very hardSomewhat hardHardVery hard
difficulty_basics_cat statistic p.value
Not very hard 27.21 < .001
Somewhat hard 5.07 .167
Hard 4.40 .221
Very hard 27.76 < .001

Which needs

Which of these needs have been hard to pay for in the past month? [Select all that apply.]


  • Food (N=1910)
  • Housing (N=2060)
  • Utilities (electric, water, trash) (N=)
  • Healthcare (N=941)
  • Social (N=711)
  • Emotional (N=789)
  • Childcare (N=853)
  • Other (N=280)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopenedPercentNew restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened
key statistic p.value
Food 3.56 .313
House 6.09 .107
Utilities 10.05 .018
Healthcare 4.24 .237
Social 3.21 .361
Emotional 0.45 .929
Childcare 4.72 .193
Other 5.47 .140
Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low riskPercentFew restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk
key statistic p.value
Food 9.51 .023
House 19.56 < .001
Utilities 18.18 < .001
Healthcare 29.52 < .001
Social 9.55 .023
Emotional 10.35 .016
Childcare 6.86 .076
Other 8.60 .035

Material hardship

This variables was calculated by adding up the number of needs selected for the following question: Which of these needs have been hard to pay for in the past month? [Select all that apply.]

  • 0 (N=5032)
  • 1 (N=883)
  • 2 (N=1152)
  • 3 (N=908)
  • 4 (N=501)
  • 5 (N=234)
  • 6 (N=104)
  • 7 (N=48)
  • 8 (N=5)

Sample sizes are based on caregiver response at the most recent week of participation.

For these analyses, we censor responses at 1 (creating a 1+ category).

0204060New restrictions imposedPausedProceeding with reopeningReopened01020304050
material_hardship statistic p.value
0 11.93 .008
1+ 11.93 .008
0204060Few restrictions, high riskFew restrictions, low riskMany restrictions, high riskMany restrictions, low risk01020304050
material_hardship statistic p.value
0 27.91 < .001
1+ 27.91 < .001