0. Sample Disclaimer
- This set of analyses on vaccine is based on responses collected from 4,042 caregivers between the dates of September 21st, 2020 and March 19th, 2021. These caregivers represent a range of voices: 6.70% are Black/African American, 11.88% are Latinx, and 26.52% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.
1. COVID Vaccine
- Survey question: How likely are you to get the first generation COVID-19 vaccine, as soon as it’s available? - very likely/somewhat likely/not very likely/not at all likely/already vaccinated
- How likely are you to get your child the first generation COVID-19 vaccine, as soon as it’s available?- very likely/somewhat likely/not very likely/not at all likely/already vaccinated
- Note that the questions about parents’ likelihood of getting vaccinated were not asked at week 49
1.1 How Likely to Get COVID-19 Vaccine
1.1.1 Overall
## [1] 0.6188554

1.1.2 By race/ethnicity

1.1.3 By poverty level

1.1.4 By poverty level & race/ethnicity

1.1.5 By region

1.3 People’s Changed Feelings for the Vaccine
- Survey question: Have your feelings about getting the COVID-19 vaccine changed since it became available?
- No change in my overall feelings
- I’m more likely to get it than I was at first
- I’m less likely to get it than I was at first
- If you have become less likely to get the vaccine than you originally were, what are your reasons? Select all that apply.
- I have heard from friends/relatives that it is unsafe
- I have heard from TV or the internet that it is unsafe
- I no longer think I need it
- Other
- If you have become more likely to get the vaccine than you originally were, what are your reasons? Select all that apply.
- I learned more about the effectiveness of it from TV or the news
- I learned more about the safety of it from TV or the news
- My friends/family convinced me it was safe and/or effective
- I want be able to do things that only vaccinated people can do
- Other