• Food insecurity
  • Material hardship
  • Family financial status
  • Looking ahead

Food insecurity

These analyses are based on responses collected from 3265 caregivers between the dates of August 11, 2020 and December 03, 2020. These caregivers represent a range of voices: 7.20% are Black/African American, 15.83% are LatinX, and 26.06% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.

Pre-pandemicAug 11Aug 25Sep 08Sep 21Oct 06Nov 03Nov 17Dec 018101214
A lotSomePercent of caregivers experiencing ___ food insecurity
Pre-pandemicAug 11Aug 25Sep 08Sep 21Oct 06Nov 03Nov 17Dec 011015202530Pre-pandemicAug 11Aug 25Sep 08Sep 21Oct 06Nov 03Nov 17Dec 01
BlackLatinXWhitePercent of caregivers experiencing ___ food insecurityA lotSome
Pre-pandemicAug 11Aug 25Sep 08Sep 21Oct 06Nov 03Nov 17Dec 011015202530Pre-pandemicAug 11Aug 25Sep 08Sep 21Oct 06Nov 03Nov 17Dec 01
non-BlackBlackPercent of caregivers experiencing ___ food insecurityA lotSome
Pre-pandemicAug 11Aug 25Sep 08Sep 21Oct 06Nov 03Nov 17Dec 01102030Pre-pandemicAug 11Aug 25Sep 08Sep 21Oct 06Nov 03Nov 17Dec 01
High IncomeLow IncomePercent of caregivers experiencing ___ food insecurityA lotSome
Pre-pandemicAug 11Aug 25Sep 08Sep 21Oct 06Nov 03Nov 17Dec 01102030Pre-pandemicAug 11Aug 25Sep 08Sep 21Oct 06Nov 03Nov 17Dec 01
High income, BlackHigh income, LatinXHigh income, WhiteLow income, BlackLow income, LatinXLow income, WhitePercent of caregivers experiencing ___ food insecurityA lotSome
Pre-pandemicAug 11Aug 25Sep 08Sep 21Oct 06Nov 03Nov 17Dec 017.510.012.515.017.5Pre-pandemicAug 11Aug 25Sep 08Sep 21Oct 06Nov 03Nov 17Dec 01
Medicaid ExpansionNot expandedPercent of caregivers experiencing ___ food insecurityA lotSome

Material hardship

Which needs are hard to pay for?: - Food - Housing - Utilities (electric, water, trash) - Healthcare - Social - Emotional - Childcare - Other

Caregivers grouped into two categories: trouble paying for 1+ basic need, or no trouble paying for any.

For these analyses, data collected in even numbered weeks starting in August were merged with data in the previous week – this was due to a shift to a recruitment strategy that prioritized recruiting underrepresented communities and marginalized caregivers every other week.

These analyses are based on responses collected from 4190 caregivers between the dates of April 14, 2020 and December 01, 2020. These caregivers represent a range of voices: 7.90% are Black/African American, 16.66% are LatinX, and 26.01% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.

Percent of households experiencing at least one material hardship
non-BlackBlackPercent of households experiencing at least one material hardship
High IncomeLow IncomePercent of households experiencing at least one material hardship
High income, BlackHigh income, LatinXHigh income, WhiteLow income, BlackLow income, LatinXLow income, WhitePercent of households experiencing at least one material hardship
BlackLatinXWhitePercent of households experiencing at least one material hardshipHigh incomeLow income
## Call:
## glm(formula = material_hardship ~ Week * race_ethnic * poverty_cat, 
##     family = "binomial", data = hardship_scored)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -1.5214  -0.7526  -0.6648   1.0077   1.8867  
## Coefficients:
##                                               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)                                  -0.439900   0.196403  -2.240 0.025105 *  
## Week                                         -0.003125   0.008543  -0.366 0.714542    
## race_ethnicLatinX                            -0.599777   0.230518  -2.602 0.009272 ** 
## race_ethnicWhite                             -1.188201   0.204838  -5.801  6.6e-09 ***
## poverty_catLow Income                         1.035784   0.288196   3.594 0.000326 ***
## Week:race_ethnicLatinX                        0.030122   0.010255   2.937 0.003310 ** 
## Week:race_ethnicWhite                         0.019626   0.008950   2.193 0.028316 *  
## Week:poverty_catLow Income                   -0.006013   0.012703  -0.473 0.635978    
## race_ethnicLatinX:poverty_catLow Income       0.353380   0.348930   1.013 0.311178    
## race_ethnicWhite:poverty_catLow Income        0.796799   0.308839   2.580 0.009881 ** 
## Week:race_ethnicLatinX:poverty_catLow Income -0.008687   0.015835  -0.549 0.583307    
## Week:race_ethnicWhite:poverty_catLow Income  -0.001414   0.013721  -0.103 0.917906    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 21943  on 17261  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 19830  on 17250  degrees of freedom
##   (1066 observations deleted due to missingness)
## AIC: 19854
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Medicaid ExpansionNot expandedPercent of households experiencing at least one material hardship
Dual parentSingle parentPercent of households experiencing at least one material hardship
No disabilityChild with disabilityPercent of households experiencing at least one material hardship

Family financial status

Which describes your family financially at this time?: - No problems - Minor problems - Major problems _ Extreme problems

For these analyses, data collected in even numbered weeks starting in August were merged with data in the previous week – this was due to a shift to a recruitment strategy that prioritized recruiting underrepresented communities and marginalized caregivers every other week.

These analyses are based on responses collected from 4190 caregivers between the dates of April 14, 2020 and December 01, 2020. These caregivers represent a range of voices: 7.90% are Black/African American, 16.66% are LatinX, and 26.01% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.

NoneMinorMajorExtremePercent of households experiencing ___ problems
non-BlackBlackPercent of households experiencing ___ problemsNoneMinorMajorExtreme
High IncomeLow IncomePercent of households experiencing ___ problemsNoneMinorMajorExtreme
High income, BlackHigh income, LatinXHigh income, WhiteLow income, BlackLow income, LatinXLow income, WhitePercent of households experiencing ___ problemsNoneMinorMajorExtreme
Medicaid ExpansionNot expandedPercent of households experiencing ___ problemsNoneMinorMajorExtreme
Dual parentSingle parentPercent of households experiencing ___ problemsNoneMinorMajorExtreme
No disabilityChild with disabilityPercent of households experiencing ___ problemsNoneMinorMajorExtreme

Looking ahead

How worried are you about having enough money to pay for food to feed your household in the next month?

If you rent the place you currently live, how worried are you about being evicted in the next month?

If you own the home where you currently live, how worried are you about your mortgage being foreclosed on in the next month?

How worried are you about your utilities (water, electric, gas) being turned off in the next month?

Response options: - Not at all worried - Slightly worried - Somewhat worried - Very worried - Extremely worried

For these analyses, data collected in even numbered weeks starting in August were merged with data in the previous week – this was due to a shift to a recruitment strategy that prioritized recruiting underrepresented communities and marginalized caregivers every other week.

These analyses are based on responses collected from 3037 caregivers between the dates of August 11, 2020 and November 17, 2020. These caregivers represent a range of voices: 7.24% are Black/African American, 16.27% are LatinX, and 26.05% live at or below 1.5 times the federal poverty line. Proportions/percentages are calculated based on the item-level response rates, not out of the total sample size. The data for these analyses are not weighted.

non-BlackBlackPercent of households worried
High IncomeLow IncomePercent of households worried
High income, BlackHigh income, LatinXHigh income, WhiteLow income, BlackLow income, LatinXLow income, WhitePercent of households worried
Medicaid ExpansionNot expandedPercent of households worried
Dual parentSingle parentPercent of households worried
No disabilityChild with disabilityPercent of households worried
non-BlackBlackPercent of households worried
High IncomeLow IncomePercent of households worried
High income, BlackHigh income, LatinXHigh income, WhiteLow income, BlackLow income, LatinXLow income, WhitePercent of households worried
Medicaid ExpansionNot expandedPercent of households worried
Dual parentSingle parentPercent of households worried
No disabilityChild with disabilityPercent of households worried
non-BlackBlackPercent of households worried
High IncomeLow IncomePercent of households worried
High income, BlackHigh income, LatinXHigh income, WhiteLow income, BlackLow income, LatinXLow income, WhitePercent of households worried
Medicaid ExpansionNot expandedPercent of households worried
Dual parentSingle parentPercent of households worried
No disabilityChild with disabilityPercent of households worried
non-BlackBlackPercent of households worried
High IncomeLow IncomePercent of households worried
High income, BlackHigh income, LatinXHigh income, WhiteLow income, BlackLow income, LatinXLow income, WhitePercent of households worried
Medicaid ExpansionNot expandedPercent of households worried
Dual parentSingle parentPercent of households worried
No disabilityChild with disabilityPercent of households worried
non-BlackBlackPercent of households worried123
High IncomeLow IncomePercent of households worried123
High income, BlackHigh income, LatinXHigh income, WhiteLow income, BlackLow income, LatinXLow income, WhitePercent of households worried123
Medicaid ExpansionNot expandedPercent of households worried123
Dual parentSingle parentPercent of households worried123
No disabilityChild with disabilityPercent of households worried123